So take me anywhere you wanna go, I know that you’ll wanna follow

There’s something about the age between 18 months and 24 months that just makes kids want to run around….all the time! ย This can make for interesting photo sessions if we try to make those kiddos stay in one place, so I don’t ๐Ÿ˜‰ ย My favourite way to approach these sessions is as though i’m just following around a little explorer, so on this warm August morning I followed around Cavell as she explored the park with her mom and dad. ย She showed me her pretty new shoes and we watched planes, played with buttons and bubbles and explored in the long grasses. ย All it takes is one big smile from Cavell to melt your heart….those beautiful big eyes must make it hard for mom and dad to ever say no to this little princess!

It had been a while since I had seen her at her one year shoot so I loved to listen to her talk in her sweet little voice and hear all the new things she has learned since then. ย She is so smart!!

Hope you enjoy the pics as much as we enjoyed exploring together!

ย “This was fun and all…but i’m outta here!”

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Photoblog by Lilac Creative