Archive for the ‘Babies’ Category

Put a little love in your heart each and every day

I knew from the moment I walked in the door that this was going to be a fun session!  The first thing Jeff said when I walked in the house was “Janie, Becky’s here, unleash the dogs!”. Lol, I knew it was a safe zone and no dogs were going to come running for me because Janie already told me in an email they were a pet safe zone.  Good try Jeff!  But it sure started the shoot off on a fun note and it didn’t change from there!  The moment I met Zoe she started chatting with me and hardly stopped, I was so entertained by her – she told me her favourite princess was Rapunzel, showed me her dollhouse and let me know I was allowed to take 1o pictures of her.  Sam was fairly relaxed and just hung out quietly most of the session by the end he was ready for a little nap and I took the opportunity to capture some pics of his sweet face!

I love visiting my clients in their homes for sessions when it’s not quite nice enough to be outside.  It makes the backdrop to your photos truly unique to you!  I always find little spots in the home begging to be photographed, just like the gorgeous stairs in this home!


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Now booking spring sessions!!  Stay in the loop with all the news!  Like B2 Photography on Facebook!

Oh, no I never got over those blues eyes, I see them every where

A few weeks ago I spent a snowy morning with Sawyer capturing some 6 month photos of him!  What a handsome little man with blue eyes you just can’t stop staring at!  I love at home sessions with my clients, it creates a backdrop for photos that is uniquely your own!  I love peeking around seeing what gems I find in my clients homes….Sawyers nursery did not disappoint! Gorgeous light, gorgeous design and lots of colour!  He had the perfect rug that was just the right colour to show off those gorgeous eyes!!!


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And she shines just like a star

A couple of weeks ago Emerson came over for some birthday and Christmas photos!  Last time we saw this cutie was in the summer and she sure has grown since then!  Once she had warmed up and gotten used to her surroundings she was full of giggles and cute little expressions!  Doesn’t she have the most gorgeous eyes??!

She LOVED the Christmas tree and probably would have been happy to play with ornaments the whole time.  She sure does look like she’s ready for Christmas doesn’t she?  I love her toque…maybe I could get one in my size 😉


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If my heart had wings I would fly to you

Jen, Phil, Lucie and Léa came over not that long ago for Léa’s six month photos!  Sweet little Léa reminded me a little bit of her big sister at her six month shoot with all the silly faces and expressions she made!  What a cutie, with such big gorgeous eyes!  Even though we were indoors for this shoot we were still able to incorporate so much colour into this shoot, some of it thanks to Léa’s granny who made her such a gorgeous quilt!

Of course I couldn’t resist getting some photos of Lucie too!  She is always SO silly!  I think I could be entertained all day by just watching her in her own little world!

Enjoy !!

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Filed under Babies by Becky @ 5:33 pm

Copyright © 2025 B2 Photography | Winnipeg, Manitoba's Modern and Colourful Family Photographer

Photoblog by Lilac Creative