Can you paint with all the colors of the wind

And now for something a little different!  Time for some photos of my very good friend Amanda, the girl behind LOT 83 Art & Design!

I was talking with someone this weekend about looking for light in different places and I went to show her these pictures that I took and I realized I never blogged them!  *gasp*  They are so fun, so I dug out my archives to show these off!  Amanda and I shot these (believe it or not) in my garage!  It was a gorgeous September morning and we enjoyed this shoot between sips of Sangria (it was 5 o’clock somewhere!).

Anyone who was been in my house or seen pictures of my house, this is THE GIRL who put that colour that everyone asks about on my wall! (Benjamin Moore, Pale Oak FYI)  When we were going through the house building process she was there every step of the way to pick out paint colours and make sure all my selections matched.  She was a life saver!!!  Now she’s helping to turn our basement into Chris’s perfect man cave!  We took these pics as she prepared to launch her website for interior design and to show off her art.  This girls is talented!  After you’re done scrolling through these pics make sure you check out her website!!

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Photoblog by Lilac Creative