World’s Greatest….

I have been blessed with two of my most amazing parents ever.  World’s GREATEST!  I love my mom and dad so much for their endless support and totally selfless love.  They have raised me and my sister always putting us first, our needs before their own.  I love my mom more than words can say, and she really has become one of my best friends, she does SO much for me….makes soup for me, paints and scavenges chairs for me, sews for me and makes sure i’m taking my vitamins.

Since today is Daddy’s Day he gets a few extra words….that doesn’t mean he’s my favourite…because as dad himself would say…”You’re both my favouriteS” 🙂

My dad is one of those lucky men who was blessed to have a house full of girls – my mom, sister Gina and me.  Growing up he spent countless hours at the curling rink supporting my sister and hours (even in the wee morning) supporting me at the skating rink.  He always took an interest in what his daughters were interested in (heck he even had a favourite Backstreet Boys song!) and spent time doing special things with us….taking me fly-in fishing, driving far and wide on every family vacay to find a go-cart track for us, taking me along on Sunday afternoon “coffee” and letting me pick out treats.  Now that my sister and I are “grown up” I can easily say dad is our voice of reason when we might be fretting over anything….”hey, it’s a small deal” is one of his favourite things to say to us when we are worried about something, it reminds us that while it may seem huge to us now, in the long run it’s not so huge after all.

I have so many favourite dad moments…..

  • During harvest when we were little he would come home after us girls were in bed but he would ALWAYS leave a treat for us on his night stand so we knew he was thinking of us.  I thought dad was “cultivating suckers” till I was grown and he didn’t leave them anymore. lol.
  • Dad taught me to drive standard on his 1970 Corvette.  I can clearly remember a moment after I stalled that I got out of the car, slammed the door and told him “You drive home!” Patient to a fault, he quietly got out and drove home.  The next Corvette he bought was an automatic.
  • Every time I got off the ice at any skating competition he always asked “did you have fun” because that was way more important to him than any result that might have been posted later in the day.

I love my dad and my family so much…..they are my world…and now i’m off to Winkler to see my family and give my dad a hug.

Happy Father’s Day to the world’s greatest dad! Love you!!!

Photo by Red Photo Co


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