Archive for the ‘Kids’ Category

You’re my favourite song

A few weeks back I had a blast exploring near Waterfront Drive with Owen and Noah, we had a gorgeous evening to enjoy together!  Who knew that a location I love because of the pop colour in the yellow railing the boys would love because it resembled monkey bars…I’ll take it if that made them think this location was fun!  Cuz it sure was fun watching them play around and it made for some awesome shots!  Boys will be boys!

After our session together the boys enjoyed a Freezie on their tailgate for their extra good behaviour….how fun is that?  Capture some memories and then make some memories together <3

Enjoy this fun session!

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Want to book a session of summer fun?  Email me!

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You belong among the wildflowers

Back when I was booking spring sessions Rob sent me an email interested in booking a mother-daughter session for his wife and girls, what a great idea!  I thought this was so sweet and i’m sure it earned him some major hubby points!  Rob and Kate moved back to Winnipeg from Ontario this year and while i’m sure they were bummed to leave their family and friends I was happy that it gave me this opportunity to photograph their family again!  Since our last session you will notice another little lady!  Avery and Elliot were looking too cute in their little summery outfits, Kate has a knack for picking out the perfect wardrobe!  I loved capturing Kate and her girls interact together, you just see so much love for them in her eyes!

Always up for planning something special, Kate told me she was planning to make some flower crowns for the girls and asked me  I had any other ideas to go along with it.  I had been dying to do something with lace and this seemed to be the perfect idea to add a feminine touch to this shoot for the girls!  Of course it wasn’t all about the girls, Rob jumped in a few shots so we had some family memories from the night too.

Enjoy this beautiful sun kissed session!

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Want to book a session of summer fun?  Email me!

Stay in the loop with all the news!  Like B2 Photography on Facebook!

Sugar in the morning, sugar in the evening, sugar at suppertime

I love my shoots with these four, they are always entertaining!  We were so happy the sun showed up for our shoot!  Léa came lookin’ all cute in her ice cream cone sun dress and Lucie came Sheepie in hand ready to have some fun!  I love all the colour in this shoot, the little rocking chair, the girls outfits, everything was coordinated so perfectly!

As always mom came with lots of fun planned for the girls…watering cans, pails, bunting and last but not least CUPCAKES!!!  Any shoot that ends with cupcakes is going to be a great one and this one sure was….ENJOY!


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Want to book a session of summer fun?  Email me!

Stay in the loop with all the news!  Like B2 Photography on Facebook!

The more we get together the happier we’ll be

When I open up dates for shoots they usually get scooped up pretty fast, Alana emailed me about a session last spring and I was already all booked up.  I was so flattered when she tried again this year and planned early to get a date!  I had a blast with Anna, Emily and Mia!  You never know how long it will take for kids to warm up to you when you start a session and these little gals took no time at all…within minutes we were playing peek a boo, dancing to Taylor Swift, there was a giraffe eating my hair and we had a lot of giggles!

I LOVED snapping some pics in their colourful playroom and we also made sure to take some pictures to showcase their gorgeous painting by Chandra Kremsky.


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Want to book a session of summer fun?  Email me!

Stay in the loop with all the news!  Like B2 Photography on Facebook!

Copyright © 2025 B2 Photography | Winnipeg, Manitoba's Modern and Colourful Family Photographer

Photoblog by Lilac Creative