Archive for the ‘Adventures with Stella’ Category

Inch by inch, row by row, I’m gonna make this garden grow

Mom’s are cool.  My mom is the coolest.  I’m so blessed to have a mom who is one of my best friends.  Over the years we have spent so much time time together – travelling, shopping (I come by my purse obsession honestly!!), visiting in her sunroom…i’m a family girl – I love spending as much time at home on the weekends as possible!  Even though we’re only an hour and  bit apart it feels like oceans apart when you’re having one of those days when you just need your mom.  There have been lots of those days this past year – thank goodness for FaceTime!

My mom is a woman of many talents, always ready and willing to help her children, nieces and nephews with sewing, gardening, decorating projects or just answering those “nurse questions” we all need answered Every now and then. This past year I watched my mom care for my dad and saw the example of what it is to be a Godly wife…I saw what “in sickness and in health” really looks like. Watching her serve and love my dad was an example and blessing not only to me and my sister but to everyone who witnessed it.

This year I wanted to do something different for Mother’s Day and this is my version of something “handmade with love.”  I crafted my little heart out and matced up one of her favourite hobbies with her favourite little gals to make an album with some special photos taken just for her, photos to make her smile and remind her every time she sees them how much we love her!

Stella LOVES my mom’s garden, mom has little animals hidden in random places around the yard just for Stella to find.  Stella loves all her little “garden pets” so much she even bought my mom a new one for her birthday this year 😉

Enjoy this shoot it is filled with LOTS of love!

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Now booking summer sessions! Email me to grab a spot!

Stay tuned for the next of many ‘Adventures with Stella’!  Like B2 Photography on Facebook!

Sunny day, sweeping the clouds away

Wow…TWO!! (Almost) this little firecracker has been joy to our family through many tough times this last year, she always gives us a reason to smile!

This year was a big one for Stella, she started walking shortly after her birthday and hasn’t stopped exploring since!  She is now talking up a storm and while we might not always know what she’s saying that doesn’t stop her from trying to get us to understand! She loves to sing, or when we sing to her. Her favourite songs to sing are Wheels on the Bus, If you’re happy and you know it and Bringing Home a Baby Bumble Bee. She LOVES Elmo, “Abby Dabby”, Grover, Cookie and all her “guys” who live on Sesame Street. Following in her Auntie HaHa (that’s me!) and Uncle Darrin’s footsteps her favorite movie is “Follow” (aka Follow that Bird).  Her favourite bath time treat is ice cream and she knows if she asks and smiles just right at Grandma she won’t be able to say no! She loves to play hide and seek and hides in the same spot every time! But her favorite game is probably “chase”! She loves to be chased by grandma, uncle Ky and anyone who will run after her!

This shoot was pretty fun! Stella was so excited to see all the balloons and loved rolling around on them! I’m lucky my sister loves colour just as much as I do cuz I can always pull out my brightest ideas for Stella’s shoots and force them on her! Gotta find someway to bring some colour indoors when you’re shooting in Manitoba winters!!!

I was prepared for this shoot to be a challenge…she is two and energetic after all….how would I keep her in this contained space?  Well this problem was simply solved with a Sesame Street band-aid with pics of all her buddies. I put it right where I wanted to her to be and then we would tell her “go stand with Abby and Grover!” and of she would go…carefully lining up her feet on the band-aid!

Keep your eyes peeled for her famous silly Stella smile.  When you say to her “Does Stella have a smile? No way! Stella can’t smile” she pulls out the biggest “cheese” smile…eyes closed and all.  It’s my favourite, I hope she never quits smiling like that 🙂

ENJOY Stella’s Celebration Session!!!


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Standing with Abby!

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Stay tuned for the next of many ‘Adventures with Stella’!  Like B2 Photography on Facebook!

Dress up the sun, borrow a little bit of lovely

After a couple of cold and rainy weekends I FINALLY got the chance to take Stella out for some fall photos!  We head off to the family farm and Stella stomped down some corn rows in her Frye boots!!  The shoot was almost crashed by a farm cat…once she saw it Stella couldn’t stop talking about the cat.  Her dad told her the cat went to find a mouse and then she couldn’t stop talking about the mouse either.  “Cat…..mouse….play”.  I guess she thought they were going to play together. Ha ha, not exactly!

Hard to believe this little cutie is 20 months already!  She is talking up a storm and has such a sweet personality!  She LOVES Sesame Street characters, playing “eat”, tractors, buses and she loves being entertainment for all her “peeps”.  Stella is such a little joy to our family!  Providing us with laughs and love when we need it most.  I’m thankful to be her Auntie and that we have such a special relationship!



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Yes, I bribe her with suckers 🙂

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Stay tuned for the next of many ‘Adventures with Stella’!  Like B2 Photography on Facebook!

The candy man can, he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good

The idea for some kind of bubblegum themed shoot all started with me looking for something to put on my mantel.  Random hey?  I was looking for something colourful and quirky and after some searching I decided I needed a bubblegum machine.  Well that got me thinking…how can I work my new bubblegum machine into a shoot!?  I started to tell my friend Erika about my great idea to somehow grow a bubblegum orchard in a few short weeks….she texted me later that night with a picture of a wooden ladder that she had hunted down for me in one of her dad’s sheds and a message that said “YOU NEED A YOU PICK SIGN!” and I would say that was the moment that things just started snowballing for me and all the rest of the ideas just started flooding into my imagination!

I knew I wanted to offer this set as my first Limited Edition (One time only!) Daydream Mini Session.  I have been taking a little extra time this summer to relax and spend time with my family and I knew this was a great opportunity to get in a bunch of shoots and open up the opportunity for a Daydream Session to all of my clients.  My model for this session was 18 months but this set was designed with kids of ALL ages in mind.  Heck, i’d love to have my own picture taken in a candy paradise like this one!  Email me to book your session in the Bubblegum Orchard!

Now, back to the model.  My sweet little niece Stella is 16 months old!  We are having SO much fun this summer!  I spend as much time as I can with her on the weekends and I love watching all the things she is learning!  She is such a little Curious George, some of the pics in this session of her looking in pails just crack me right up, I loved watching her explore this set!

Well, enough chatter….welcome to The Bubblegum Orchard!!

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Contact me to book your own Limited Edition Bubblegum Orchard Mini Session!!

Like B2 Photography on Facebook!

Copyright © 2025 B2 Photography | Winnipeg, Manitoba's Modern and Colourful Family Photographer

Photoblog by Lilac Creative