Sunny day, sweeping the clouds away

Wow…TWO!! (Almost) this little firecracker has been joy to our family through many tough times this last year, she always gives us a reason to smile!

This year was a big one for Stella, she started walking shortly after her birthday and hasn’t stopped exploring since!  She is now talking up a storm and while we might not always know what she’s saying that doesn’t stop her from trying to get us to understand! She loves to sing, or when we sing to her. Her favourite songs to sing are Wheels on the Bus, If you’re happy and you know it and Bringing Home a Baby Bumble Bee. She LOVES Elmo, “Abby Dabby”, Grover, Cookie and all her “guys” who live on Sesame Street. Following in her Auntie HaHa (that’s me!) and Uncle Darrin’s footsteps her favorite movie is “Follow” (aka Follow that Bird).  Her favourite bath time treat is ice cream and she knows if she asks and smiles just right at Grandma she won’t be able to say no! She loves to play hide and seek and hides in the same spot every time! But her favorite game is probably “chase”! She loves to be chased by grandma, uncle Ky and anyone who will run after her!

This shoot was pretty fun! Stella was so excited to see all the balloons and loved rolling around on them! I’m lucky my sister loves colour just as much as I do cuz I can always pull out my brightest ideas for Stella’s shoots and force them on her! Gotta find someway to bring some colour indoors when you’re shooting in Manitoba winters!!!

I was prepared for this shoot to be a challenge…she is two and energetic after all….how would I keep her in this contained space?  Well this problem was simply solved with a Sesame Street band-aid with pics of all her buddies. I put it right where I wanted to her to be and then we would tell her “go stand with Abby and Grover!” and of she would go…carefully lining up her feet on the band-aid!

Keep your eyes peeled for her famous silly Stella smile.  When you say to her “Does Stella have a smile? No way! Stella can’t smile” she pulls out the biggest “cheese” smile…eyes closed and all.  It’s my favourite, I hope she never quits smiling like that 🙂

ENJOY Stella’s Celebration Session!!!


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Standing with Abby!

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Stay tuned for the next of many ‘Adventures with Stella’!  Like B2 Photography on Facebook!


  • Oh Becky. Tears here. Love these so so much! They show our silly Stella so perfectly. Stella is so lucky to have such a special Auntie. ❤️

  • Adorable pics of a sweet little girl! Love seeing pics of your niece!

  • Becky you have captured Stella perfectly…love all the joy, silliness, and giggles

  • So sweet!!!! U r a beautiful wonderful loving and generous auntie! Someday Stella will look back at all of her adventures with you and fall in love with u all over again!

  • mini Melissa Button’s?!

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Photoblog by Lilac Creative