Happy birthday dear Stella, happy birthday to you!

Dear sweet Stella, Stellie, Stellie Pie,

My oh my, what an amazing year it has been watching you grow and change and learn.  You are the smartest, silliest and sweetest little lady!  You have so many people who love you so very much, no matter where you show up it’s always a race to the door to greet you and you’re always smiling that big silly grin!  We have had so many fun adventures this year trips to Fargo, Vancouver, Mexico…you are a pro at shopping and swimming!

You have learned so many tricks this year!  You know what the cow, duck and sheep says, you love to dance and clap to music, you laugh big laughs like your silly aunties, you growl like grammy and wiggle like gramps, you play your own version of Marko Polo with your dad, you make lots of fun noises with your mouth and you’re even starting to take a few steps on your own.  I love that we get to FaceTime almost every day so you can tell me all about the exciting day you had!

I know this year will be equally as exciting and I can’t wait for many many more adventures with Stella.

Love you!

Auntie B


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So I guess when we smile at Stella we all open our mouths and make a very excited face….this is her version of that excited face 😉

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Stay tuned for the next of many ‘Adventures with Stella’!  Like B2 Photography on Facebook!


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Photoblog by Lilac Creative