Let the good times roll, leave your worry for another day

This weekend is back to shooting for me, back to shooting after a 4 week break, back to editing and blogging after break from that too.  It felt great and it was so needed after going non-stop for so long.  I thought I would have some profound blog post to write after my break but….I don’t.  I spent most of the time cleaning the house, packing, organizing and watching waaaay too much Dawson’s Creek so the only things I have to report back are: my house is clean! And Pacey and Joey were SO meant to be together.

All it took to get me itching to pick up the camera again was a conversation I had with a client last weekend.  I made a stop to drop some albums and the conversation turned to a summer shoot, a summer shoot in a lavender field she was planting, the wardrobe, the props….that was all I needed, I was inspired and ready to get back to work!  Summer is just around the corner and my mind is now bursting full of ideas of summer fun shoots!  Time to pick up the paint brush and paint my new chairs so I have everything all ready to go for my fabulous clients this summer!

Even though I haven’t been shooting over the past few weeks I do have a fresh shoot to leave with you, one I’ve been meaning to blog for so long but for some reason my fingers just never made it to they key board to get it done.  Now’s the time!  Take a look at a shoot I did this winter of three gorgeous little ladies 🙂 I shot this session at the same time we did our Valentines Day shoot, but I had SO much to share from that one I didn’t want to overload my readers with TOO much cuteness.  I love this session, all the soft colours, the ruffles, the sparkles….all things feminine and girly.  ENJOY!


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Photoblog by Lilac Creative