♥ 365 Days….

365 days ago I walked down the aisle to marry my dream man…..and wow, has the time flown by!!  This is a HUGE thank-you to my man for being so patient  and loving with me for the past year.  Thank-you for always loving my supper and eating everything I made this year!  Thank-you for always cleaning up after I make supper (MAJOR points!!) Thank-you for painting me a pink room and giving that room to me to use for a closet.  Thank-you for turning the volume down when I go to bed at 10pm….orrr 9:30pm….orrr 9:00pm.   Thank-you for letting me decorate with candy and cupcakes.  Thank-you for believing in me. Thank-you for encouraging me to make my dreams realities.  Thank-you for loving me 🙂

Those of you who know me know i’m the farthest thing from domestic….and my Facebook friends may recall some of my triumphs as a self proclaimed “undomestic goddess”: my first casserole, my pink Christmas tree, my first apron (it was pink, of course), my flower pots (that my sister planted for me and I forgot to water, so I guess that wasn’t really a triumph).  I still have lots of room for improvement in this category….and I’ve set some “domestic goals” for our second year of marriage….yes, I set goals, it’s the figure skater in me, I will forever set goals!

Operation: Domestication of Becky:  Year 2 Goals

  • Bake more stuff – I only baked three times this past year….a cake (from a mix), sugar cookies and peanut butter cookies. I’d probably bake more if I worked less, so i’m going to try and manage my schedule a little better this year too!  Specific things I’m going to bake this year:  Cinnamon buns, lots of cookies (cuz Chris loves cookies), my moms famous chewy brownies and fancy sugar cookies for every major holiday!
  • Make lasagna – I was all about the 3 ingredient Campbell’s recipe’s this year….I was way more successful than I thought I’d be, but i’m gonna step it up this year 🙂
  • Grocery shop more – I HATE grocery shopping, I’ve hated it since the moment I moved out at 18 and I always leave it till the last possible moment, so I’m going to try and change that this year…..or convince Chris he should do the grocery shopping.Lol.
  • Clean up that pink room Chris painted me.

Here’s to year two babe!  Love you!!!

Some pics of the wedding day from Red Photo Co!


  • Becky…. You are simply adorable!
    All the best with your goals, setting them is the first progression to acheiving them.

    I’m so proud of the beautiful woman are!

  • This made me smile. I must admit you surprised me many times this year. Proud of you sissy. Cinnamon buns?! Whoa I think I only attempted those on year 8. I can also give you a really simple lasagna. 🙂

  • You are just the cutest Miss Becks! I love this post, still LOVE your wedding pics and hmm, love that you set goals that involve baking 😉

  • I am right there with you in being partially undomestic! However I am so lucky to be living with a CHEF! Sadly it makes it harder to actually try to cook at all. But baking I can do! I make cookies all the time – if you want any fun easy recipes, let me know!

  • Love this post 🙂 I can relate on so many levels. I have a great cinnamon bun recipe… just have to find it because I haven’t made them in ages 😉

  • This was an awesome post! I’m really impressed with the cinnamon bun goal as well…its almost year ten for me and I was thinking about trying them soon…

  • Becky! This is wonderful! Chris is truly blessed!!

  • love you guys so much! amazing how time flies, congratulations on your first anniversay! IYour triumphs as noted on FB are awesome, make me want to document my own!! Good luck with those cinnamon buns B…impressive!

  • ah- happy anniversary!! you guys are adorable!! and no worries… i am the anti-domesticate and it all works out 😉


  • You go girl! Let me know how those cinnamon buns turn out. If you need help, lt me know!

  • awe,i loved seeing these gorgeous pictures again! congrats on one year!

  • Happy anniversary and all the best in year 2! Lots of love to you both! Becky, good luck with your goals, I have no doubt you can succeed in anything you do 🙂

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